Real talk

As I’m catching up on recent events, I want to thank all the friends and colleagues, former teachers and those returning, students who graduated, parents and friends of those students enrolled this year, who read, shared, and showed support for my letter to the editor in The Coast that was published on Thursday, September 7.

I was live on-air with Don Connolly for an interview on CBC Radio Information Morning today to discuss the topic of the “no paid prep time” policy enforced this year at NSCC.

I encourage anyone who feels affected by this change to email me with your thoughts on the issue. I’d like to hear from students enrolled in the Music Business program, and other programs, about their concerns for how this policy may impact the quality of education they receive this year at NSCC. Others who I mentioned at the start, I hope to continue to hear from you, too.

Click here to read the letter to the editor titled “Prep for problems” on The Coast’s website.

Click here to listen to the interview on CBC Radio Information Morning.

Click here to read the full story on